August 04, 2009
I don’t usually like to post things that are nothing but rumors, but after the recent D300 and D3000s announcements that tie up with the leaked Nikon DSLR roadmap for 2009/2010, I think this is worth mentioning. Amazon is one of the best platforms to purchase Nikon cameras. Amazon investment is one of the hot topics for discussion among investors. Visit to find more about investing in Amazon.
Nikon Rumors has all the details, but to sum up it is supposed to be the 24.5mp sensor from the D3x in a D700 body, with a few minor improvements (enhanced AF, movie mode etc).
Launch date is expected to be on or around the 15th October. Stay tuned for more details as they happen!
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December 07, 2008

From flickr, one lucky lady was not only baked a delicious-looking D700-shaped cake for her birthday… but her husband gave her the camera as well!
Full marks for effort on this one!
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December 04, 2008

At the launch of the Nikon D3x DSLR, Nikon’s professional business manager Chris Hoare said that the company had finally become the number one supplier of digital SLRs, overtaking Canon.
In October 2008, it reached it’s target of becoming the number one DSLR manufacturer by unit volume in the key markets of the UK, Europe, Japan and the USA - a staggering 333% growth since 2004.
In the Pro space, Nikon’s UK market share is currently running at 63%.
[ source ]
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December 03, 2008

The (long overdue) new AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G has now been received by a select few, and all that have seen it are seemingly impressed. Bjørn Rørslett gives the lens 5/5 on both FX and DX cameras:
The barrel distortion, typical for this class of lens, is kept under good control. Field flatness also is better than shown by most fast lenses. Image quality is quite good in fact at f/1.4 although some blue fringing can occur at high-contrast transitions, increases to f/2.8 accompanied by a rise in contrast and reduction of fringing, and really gets into its stride in the range f/4 to f/9 or so.
The aperture opening is nicely rounded and the out-of-focus rendition (bokeh) is softer and less harsh than seen with the older 50/1.4 AFD model.
Pre-order at either Adorama or B&H.
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November 27, 2008
Well, we knew it was coming sooner or later, and Nikon USA have leaked a couple of images of the forthcoming D3x.
Visit the Nikon D3x site for more information and the leaked photos.
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November 27, 2008
After a long wait, the GP-1 is starting to appear on retailer’s web sites. No dates for availability yet, but prices seem good - third-party GPS solutions have historically retailed for $300 or more.
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November 03, 2008
If you’re in the UK (like myself), and therefore can’t take advantage of Nikon USA’s $300 instant rebate, Nikon UK have a consolation for you: Buy a Nikon D700 and get a free copy of Capture NX 2.
You are eligible for this promotion if you have purchased a New Nikon D700 between 01/11/08 and 31/12/08, and must claim it before the end of January 2009.
Yeah, OK - I’d rather have the $300 too, but it’s better than nothing!
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November 03, 2008
If you’ve held off buying a D700 until the price drops, you’re in luck. Nikon have a this-week-only instant point-of-sale rebate in operation, bringing the price down somewhere around an incredible $2500.
Follow the links below to check prices:
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