AF-S 50mm f/1.4 available to order, getting rave reviews
The (long overdue) new AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.4G has now been received by a select few, and all that have seen it are seemingly impressed. Bjørn Rørslett gives the lens 5/5 on both FX and DX cameras:
The barrel distortion, typical for this class of lens, is kept under good control. Field flatness also is better than shown by most fast lenses. Image quality is quite good in fact at f/1.4 although some blue fringing can occur at high-contrast transitions, increases to f/2.8 accompanied by a rise in contrast and reduction of fringing, and really gets into its stride in the range f/4 to f/9 or so.
The aperture opening is nicely rounded and the out-of-focus rendition (bokeh) is softer and less harsh than seen with the older 50/1.4 AFD model.
December 4th, 2008 at 1:01 am
When are you going to stop stealing every single post from - this is what you do on both of your sites. I will report this to NikonRumors.
[Admin response -- Excuse me? There's a certain amount of Nikon news out there, and no doubt NR and I use many of the same sources. If NR and I post the same story, that's hardly stealing. You will find a hell of a lot of original content on this site.]
December 18th, 2008 at 9:06 pm
So Nikon has released a lens that should have been done at least five years ago. Now we just need the 20mm f/2.8G AF-S, 85mm f/1.8G AF-S, and 85mm f/1.4G AF-S VR. Why is it Canon can deliver the equivalent of AF-S on their WHOLE LINE of lenses, and their equivalent of VR on the majority but Nikon is still far behind? Are Nikon’s venerable Nikkor lenses really that far superior to the Canon L-line to stop people defecting to the new 5D2? Come on, Nikon!
February 25th, 2009 at 1:40 am
I just bought this lens. The Bokeh on it is amazing. I intend to use this as my primary walking around lens, as well as my portraiture lens.